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A development organisation that promotes social justice and fights poverty by working with communities around the world and through campaigning and advocacy.
Junk food tax as a cure for obesity | SmartPlanet
Feb 02, 2013 · Proposed legislation to remove junk food and sugar-loaded drinks from vending machines at California state office buildings and on government property is.
GM foods in Australia | GM food in Australia | SBS World News
Jan 04, 2013 · WASHINGTON (AP) — Everyone could use a little help keeping those New Year's resolutions to slim down. But if it means the government limiting junk food.
Oxfam Australia
Over one million refugees have now fled violence in Syria and are in desparate need of shelter, food and water. More than half of them are children.
Should there be a tax on fatty foods? –
We just returned from a great two and a half week trip 'Down Under.' We stayed in Melbourne, Ayers Rock, up on the Great Barrier Reef and finally, Sydney. We really.
PolitiFact | In Context: Lawmaker explains food stamps, junk food .
Provided by the government to give all Australians access to government legal information and services available nationwide.
Is a 'fat tax' the answer to Australia's obesity crisis?
Why we need a tax on junk food May 20, 2011. The UK government heavily taxes cigarettes and alcohol. For example, around 80% of the price of a pack of cigarettes is.
Outrageous food prices in Australia! | Australia & the Pacific.
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Australian Taxation Office Homepage
Jan 05, 2013 · WASHINGTON (AP) — Everyone could use a little help keeping those New Year's resolutions to slim down. But if it means the government limiting junk food.
Americans Hate 'Fat Tax' on Food -
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