Theory of Yin- Yang - Introduction to Chinese Medicine/TCM
YIN- YANG IN MEDICINE: Energy of food & constitution. Back to HOME | ARTICLES LIST | Plant4Health LIST | CONTENTS: (Click to jump to article)
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Yin and Yang for Improved Health According to Chinese Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medical Theory (TCM) dictates that all of the energies in the body must be.
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Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM ; Chinese: 中医 ; Chinese: 中醫 ; pinyin: zhōng yī ; literally " Chinese medicine") is a broad range of medicine practices.
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A Geomedical Approach to Chinese Medicine: The Origin of the Yin.
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The Yin Yang Horoscope is a medieval Chinese Astrology. This Chinese horoscope is based on I Ching symbolism combining directness with subtility.
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